Housing Programs
Address the Root Causes of Homelessness through
Comprehensive Treatment, Services, and Support
Our community-based organizations use FHASES for data-driven identification of patients experiencing or at-risk for homelessness, providing support services, and tracking outcomes related to housing, mental health, and substance use treatment.
Case Management
- Quickly complete patient intake
- Assess risk factors and barriers to stable housing
- Create custom action plans and protocols for your clients
- Document referrals and connections to community resources
- Capture health and social outcomes

Mental Health
- Document Mental Health encounters, diagnoses, and services
- Complete and score Mental Health Surveys & Assessments
- Create treatment protocols for your clients

Data & Reporting
- Funder-specific reporting and dashboards
- Data, reports, dashboards, and analytics for clients, teams, and programs
- Customized reports and dashboards to measure efforts and outcomes

Security & Compliance
- Annual risk assessments
- Enterprise infrastructure (hosted at tier 4 data center)
- Private application/private database - yourcompany.fhases.com
- SLA - 99.9% uptime
- Integrations (EHRs, HIEs, and state financial systems)
- Certified for Meaningful Use Stage 1 as an Ambulatory EHR